Gwardians® standard sleeves Euro 59 X 92mm


Standard Euro sleeves.

100 sleeves per package.

Size 59 x 92mm

Thickness 80 micron

(0 customer reviews)

Examples of games with cards that will fit these card protectors:

Above and Below, Agricola, Alhambra, Anachrony, Battlelore, Dice Town, Dominion, Feudum, Foothills, Ginkopolis,Kahuna, Kemet, Kingdom Builder, Legends of Andor, Lord of the Rings, Machi Koro, Manhattan,Maracaibo, Memoir ’44, Mutants, Neuroshima Hex!, Orleans: Invasion, Summoner Wars, Taj Mahal, The Castles of Burgundy, Trickerion, Troyes, Vikings Gone Wild, Waka Waka, Warhammer Quest, Welcome To, World War II.


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